This is the Student Support Page for my students of RIT. The content is being added-up incrementally. If you are a guest then kindly bear with any incompleteness present in the documents. As these documents are specifically made for the students I teach, you should weigh the subject quantum with your personal relevance. For any clarifications on the articles or on terms of usage, kindly contact me.
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Mobile Computing, Seminar and Project papers taken up.
Advanced Operating System, Seminar and Project papers taken up.
Mobile Computing, Software Engineering, Embedded Systems and Project papers taken up.
Information System Design, Compiler Design Lab and Project papers taken up.
Software Engineering, Mobile Computing, OS Lab and Project papers taken up.
Software Engineering, ISD, Compiler Design lab and Project papers taken up.
Operating System, E-Commerce and ERP with OS Lab taken-up.
Software Engineering, Compiler Design Lab and Internet and Web Technology Lab taken-up.

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